
About Me

That's me dancing in a Catwoman costume.

My name is Yana. I'm 26 years old. I live in Vancouver, British Columbia and I'm an actor. I graduated from Vancouver Film School in 2010 and have been trying to get into the industry ever since. I work a part-time retail job for steady income (student loans are a bitch) and am currently developing a webseries with some friends of mine. I'll keep you guys updated on it as the pieces fall into place.

I've been journalling ever since I was a kid. I have mountains of notebooks that go all the way back to when I was in kindergarten. I don't know if anyone else had to journal regularly when they were in kindergarten, but we did. The teachers would force us to write about our lame weekend trips to the park. Most kids talked about feeding the ducks or being on the swings. We'd have to draw pictures along with our entries. Sort of like a storybook. The boys drew robots; the girls drew ballerinas or flowers. I drew Ninja Turtles and spaceships.

At some point during my kindergarten days, I realized that my weekends were kind of boring, so I'd start making up wild and strange stories and drawing odd pictures to accompany them. It was just a way to spice things up and write about something other than feeding ducks. I got in trouble with the teachers for "lying" in my journals, but my parents thought the entries were pretty funny. I figured that if my real entries were boring, I had every right to give them a little more pizazz. I try not to avoid the mundane and the boring, so if you see entries about me turning into a giant robot or fighting a dinosaur, it's just me reverting back to childhood. Do not be alarmed.

Anyhoo. I started this blog to keep friends and family updated on what I was doing and how life was going. I plan on making posts about acting, writing, projects I'm working on (some I'm procrastinating from at this very moment), and things I think about. I don't know if they actually read it. I have no idea if my parents even know that this thing exists. If they do, hi mom! Hi dad! I'm doing stuff on the internet and typing in full sentences! Aren't you proud?